I have a Facebook Page, What Should I Do With It?

Be confident. You don’t have to have a marketing degree to be good with social media. The point of the page is to get your name out there and give people an easy to way to contact you. Taking a simple approach is a good place to start, but it can be a lot of fun! Share ideas, make it person and don’t sell! That is the simplest solution to your Facebook experience. Managing a Facebook page shouldn’t take more than 10 minutes a day. All you have to do is follow the rules:

  1. Nothing tells your story better than when you share pictures of the work you have done. Show off your talent. Let the pictures speak for themselves. Why do you want “likes”? Because when someone “likes” your picture, hundreds of their friends see your page. It’s that easy! You just have to give them something to “like”!
  2. You have to make it look like your open, so consistently posting new things is important. Every day is not necessary, but 3-5x per week is a good goal to reach for.
  3. Make it about your target customer, not about you. People use Facebook for entertainment, they are not there to make a purchase. Keep your content current and relevant to your work. Teach something about your trade.
  4. Show your enthusiasm! As a business owner, you should be passionate about your work. Show your passion and it will inspire people. Don’t be afraid to show your personality through your posts. Let people get to know you!
  5. Facebook is not a one way street. You have to interact with your customers when they interact with you. When you get a review, respond immediately whether its bad or good. Answer questions, comment on posts and interact with other businesses and your local community.

Stop back for the next blog featuring ideas for content!