Holy Shiplap!

Holy Shiplap!  When you think of ship lap, what comes to mind?

If you have seen any of the recent DIY shows lately like Rehab Addict, American Pickers or Fixer Upper, you have probably heard a lot about shiplap.

In a world full of open concepts and modern fixtures, a little shiplap is nice to see. But what IS shiplap?

I will start with what shiplap isn’t.

It is NOT plain wooden boards nailed on a wall.

It is NOT tongue and groove boards.

It is NOT sheets of ripped plywood.

Shiplap has a special notch out on the edges which allow the boards to space themselves better. It’s super common in harsh climates because it is very weathertight. It is hard to tell apart from others, and can easily be replicated with lower cost options if you don’t magically have it under your drywall.

But using shiplap in a home isn’t one size fits all. There are hundreds of ideas, options and uses you can incorporate depending on your needs and wants. From natural wood textures to a smooth, clean look, your look can vary with your unique style which is great from a flexibility standpoint!

If the price of shiplap is off putting, we can offer some alternatives. Depending on your desired thickness, you can go with something as simple as a pine 1×6 board that will give you lots of character with wood texture and knots. Plus – it’s stupid cheap.

A ripped down MDF or MDO sheet (we can cut them…) offers various thicknesses and a nice weather resistant finish due to it’s normal exterior uses if your trying to fit behind a toilet (it happened to a friend of ours… cough). You also have the flexibility in height of the planks, 6″, 8″, 10″, oh my!

How much shiplap is too much?

Depends on the project. A half wall to mock some wainscoting may do the trick.

Holy Shiplap! When you think of ship lap, what comes to mind?

Or perhaps just one feature wall to add some pizzazz to a living room.

Holy Shiplap! When you think of ship lap, what comes to mind?

We have seen it on all 4 walls AND the ceiling to give a cozy cottage feel.

Holy Shiplap! When you think of ship lap, what comes to mind?

Your space and style may dictate what you need to do.

Whatever route you go with the materials, a good coat of Valspar paint on the boards before you install will make installation a breeze. Slap a finishing coat on and you will be done with the project in no time.

Thinking about being a fixer upper copy cat? Stop in and we will get you going in the right direction. With our guidance and a little patience, you can skip your way into the shiplap sunset.

Photo credit: HGTV.com