How to Choose the Right Roofing Material for Midwest Homes

The good thing about Midwest living: enjoying all four seasons. The bad thing about Midwest living: enduring all four seasons. Dramatic temperature shifts, winter ice, and summer heat and high winds mean choosing the right roofing material is essential for homeowners and contractors in Iowa, Illinois and Wisconsin.

One of the Midwest’s leading building suppliers, Spahn & Rose offers some of the finest roofing material available. As a dealer of both GAF and Tamko shingles, Spahn & Rose has a deep selection of roofing to fit any budget and match any style.

An invaluable resource for contractors and homeowners is Spahn & Rose’s expert staff, such as Nick Cole, an Outside Salesman at the Waverly, Iowa, location.

“When shopping for roofing material and looking for value, Spahn & Rose is the place to be,” Cole says. “Our staff has decades of experience and will help homeowners and contractors with more than just color choice. Spahn & Rose will work within your budget to find the best roofing material for your home.”

Here are Cole’s top tips for how Midwestern contractors and homeowners can choose the right roofing material:

Align Roof Quality with Longevity Needs

When talking to customers about their roofing needs, one of the first questions Cole asks is how long they plan to stay in the home.

“If you’re building a home or plan to stay in it more than 25 years, I’d recommend making more of an investment upfront,” he says. “If you won’t be staying as long, you can still buy a durable, high-quality shingle that’s more affordable.”

Spahn & Rose roof experts can help find quality roofing for any budget—offering good-, better- and best-category materials in a range of prices.

Standard asphalt shingles are likely the best choice for value. If you’d like additional style and longevity, consider architectural shingles, many of which have a 30-year warranty. For even more durability, think about installing steel ones, such as Tamko MetalWorks Steel Shingles, which come with a 50-year limited warranty.

Choose the Correct Class

Hailstorms in particular can damage shingles and homes. Spahn & Rose sells shingles with impact-resistance ratings from Class 1 to Class 4, with Class 4 the strongest. Class 4 shingles are so effective at minimizing hail damage, in fact, that some insurance companies offer premium discounts to homeowners who install them.

“In 2016, we had a couple really bad storms come through,” Cole recalls. “Spahn & Rose staff went to the home of a customer who had purchased Class 4 to make sure the roof was intact and to answer questions about the insurance-claim process.”

Naturally, the greater protection higher-class shingles offer means they cost more: Class 3 shingles are about 10 percent pricier than standard architectural shingles, while Class 4 typically cost about 20 percent more.

Two Class 4 varieties Spahn & Rose carries are GAF Grand Sequoia IR and Sienna shingles.

Match the Style to the House

As a GAF shingle dealer, Spahn & Rose has more than a dozen styles in an array of colors within the GAF brand alone.

“We take an individual approach to helping you select the best shingle style,” Cole says. “Whether your home is contemporary or a farmhouse, Spahn & Rose roofing experts will provide you with a choice of styles and colors to match.”

Shingles typically come in browns or tans, but because Spahn & Rose is both a Tamko and GAF shingle dealer, additional colors are available, such as blue or forest green. “If you have a more neutral siding color, you might want a roof color to pop,” Cole says. “If your house is gray, blue or red, deeper colors such as pewter, gray or charcoal may be the best shingle choice.”

Determine Energy and Environmental Options

If you’re looking to save money through home energy efficiency, the right shingle can help. For example, Malarkey Silverwood shingles reflect solar rays, which may reduce the amount of heat that enters your home.

Install Correctly

With roofing, installation is just as important as buying the right material. “You really need to find a roofer who installs the materials properly—a roofer who properly puts down winter guard and the appropriate synthetic felt,” Cole says.

High-quality tar paper, meanwhile, is essential to help prevent leaks. Cole recommends #30 synthetic felt tar paper, such as GAF Tiger Paw. In addition to helping protect against leaks, the synthetic material doesn’t rip or tear, and isn’t slippery to stand on during installation.

To find a reliable, professional roofer near you, visit Spahn & Rose Find-A-Contractor. Just enter your ZIP code to see a list of dependable contractors in your area.
