The Tiny Home Movement

It seems as if the tiny home trend has taken off, and is here to stay. Until the next new trendy item hits the market… which we all know will be in the near future. For the meantime though, let’s focus on the pros and cons of the infamous tiny homes.

As we can all figure out, they are sufficient with respects to overall cost of living, which is very low. Then you have utility bills that are also in turn lower.

Unless you do have to install plumbing and water, then that may add on to the overall cost of buying the tiny home. Nonetheless, they are still cheaper than the alternative of buying a home that is bigger than 400 square feet.

It’s also maybe well known – maybe not – that you can easily move these tiny homes. A majority of them can be on wheels, so when you’re tired of living where you are, you can just up and leave. For some of us who like to move around, that’s a nice benefit. Call it a modern mobile home if you will…

With pros there are always cons in almost any circumstance, if you like to have your personal space, but also enjoy your significant other, this could be a tough situation. If you get into an argument and need to cool off, your only real option is to go outside. But who fights with their spouse? Hah.

If you’re a person who likes to make the occasional quick run to Target and ends up stocking up on bulk size quantities of laundry soap and toilet paper and hitting up every clearance aisle, you may have to change your ways. Limited space, limited storage, means more trips and smaller trips to the store for food and toiletries.

Those are just some of the more obvious pros and cons that are associated with living in a tiny home. Now let’s look at three pros and the next three cons that may not have been so obvious. Nonetheless, they are things to keep in mind if you are thinking about trying the tiny home lifestyle.

  1. Customizing your tiny home can be fun and the possibilities are endless. The main issue would be storage, but you could figure out how to store the must haves. If designing isn’t your thing, you could talk to one of our designers who would be happy to help you.
  2. Ah yes, storage, as mentioned above seems to be the main issue when it comes to these tiny homes. Cabinets can be a solution to this problem. Yes they would have to be smaller than the norm, but we can help you maximize the space in your tiny home.
  3. The big reason a majority of people decide that the tiny home is right for them, is money. These homes on average cost around $23,000 but it depends on the size and materials. We would be happy to sit down and work through the details of your project needs and develop an estimate to see if the tiny home is for you.
  1. Are you a person who likes to host? These tiny homes are not the ideal space for hosting a get together for friends or family. You certainly wouldn’t be able to create a gathering space as fabulous as those on our gallery page…
  2. From just plain hot and humid, to frigid cold (sometimes the next day), you never really know what to expect. The winter months can be especially harsh because of the cold and keeping your home warm can be a challenge. Weather barriers and extra insulation is a must have if you choose to live in a tiny home in the Midwest.
  3. The tiny home may not be the safest place during severe weather in the summer. We can experience high winds, flooding, and the occasional tornado where we are located. If you live in tornado alley, we would not recommend living in a tiny home.

In My Opinion…

For some of us it is a wonderful idea. It is cost effective, you have the ability to move around at your own convenience and you can design the home any way you want to. There are many more pros to this. I’m a 6’1”, 225 lb football player that needs a lot of space. I can also eat a lot of food, need a bed that is bigger than I am tall, and like to have an area where I can escape for a while with no distractions. A tiny home is just not in my future. Is it in yours?