Dubuque General Manager in Doghouse to Raise Money for Humane Society

John Cook, the General Manager of Spahn & Rose’s Dubuque location, is locked up—in a manner of speaking. He was thrown in the Dubuque Regional Humane Society’s doghouse, and he won’t be freed until contributors raise $2,000.

The “In the Doghouse” fundraiser runs throughout March; money raised will support the more than 2,700 homeless companion animals for which the Dubuque Regional Humane Society (DRHS) cares. Community leaders throughout the Dubuque area have been put in the doghouse, and donations to pay their “impound fees” will provide treatment, care and supplies for animals awaiting adoption.

“Please help me get out of the doghouse,” says Cook, who claims he has made friends with a nice beagle while locked up. “The Humane Society does amazing work providing shelter and care to  thousands of animals. I’ll stay locked up all of March if I have to be to raise money.”

To pay Cook’s impound fee, visit the DRHS’s In the Doghouse page. The goal is to reach $2,000 by the end of March.

Every donation makes a difference in the lives of the animals at DRHS:

  • $25 reunites families by providing four animals with microchips
  • $50 pays for a spay surgery for one cat
  • $100 enriches daily life for countless animals with treats, toys and activities
  • $250 provides healing interventions that eliminate painful conditions for an animal in need
  • $500 allows compassionate care for three dogs for a week.

Spahn & Rose has been a strong supporter of the DRHS. In addition to monetary donations, Spahn & Rose gave the facility a shed in 2017.
